Newborn Massage:
“Newborn massage is a powerful, happy way to become acquainted. You can learn early communication while giving your baby gentle but potent nerve and muscle stimulation. This assists with digestion, elimination, healing, growth, and deeper sleep. Newborns have special needs to consider during massage. This class introduces supportive, protective massage while you learn early infant communication and how to respond to it in a satisfying way.”
– Teresa Kirkpatrick Ramsey, BSN, LMT Founder, Baby’s First MasltIn this class, you will learn:
1. Early infant communication
2. Interpreting crying and time out cues (and coping)
3. Effective comforting techniques
The healing process of newborns and how to adapt massage so it is gentle enough yet gives very powerful benefit to your little newborn.
This class is for parents or care givers and their medically stable newborn. However, this simple effective massage is good for all ages of babies. You may choose to meet with other new parents in a classroom setting, or have a private class in the comfort of your home. Infant massage is ideal for babies of 0 to 12 months old.
Dr. Oh offers individual and group sessions for the baby massage classes.
For pricing and available times, please call the office at (718) 359-0330.